Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Young, strong and proud!

I came across this awesome hip hop song written and performed by some little ladies from Cherbourg in Queensland. Seems like a rad project to get kids involved in. Also brings back memories of letting off steam on the netball court. Love the whistle sample too!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Warmed my little heart....

Here is an image that has rocked my morning. This guy, Ryo Taira, owns a pet shop in Japan and manages to look super stylish whilst helping animals effected by the tsunami. He got called to help get this gorgeous little porpoise out of a rice field. They released him right back into the sea as the local aquariums are damaged. "I don't know if it will survive, but it's much better than dying in a rice field, right? It's good," Ryo said. So good!